Protecting and Restoring Coastal Ecosystems
Across the globe collaborative policy forums are working to change the way we view and address the role of coastal ecosystems for climate change. As the United States renews it commitment to the Paris Agreement and other countries pledge to curb climate change, a significant opportunity remains for better inclusion of coastal ecosystems as a natural climate solution and simultaneously protecting biodiversity, enhancing water quality and community resilience. There is opportunity to catalyze implementation of enabling conditions and on-the-ground blue carbon efforts that will protect and restore coastal ecosystems, delivering blue carbon benefits while helping communities, ecosystems, and economies be more resilient today.
Our Role
Coastal Quest works with partners to catalyze implementation of enabling conditions and on-the-ground blue carbon efforts that will protect and restore coastal and ocean ecosystems that deliver future blue carbon benefits while helping communities, ecosystems, and economies be more resilient to unavoidable climate impacts today. We do this by being a hub, convening dialogues, sharing lessons learned, pilots, and best practices; providing technical assistance and funding; as well as building political will and public private partnerships.
We work closely with the Ocean Protection Council (OPC), a Cabinet-level state policy body nested within the California Natural Resources Agency to advance coastal protections. OPC works to advance the Governor’s priorities for coastal and ocean policy and works broadly to advance healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems for current and future generations.